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1 min read
Two Glasses of Merlot and a packet of Wotzits
Party In My Hotel Room Francis Bacon has been rumoured to have created his greatest work when he was drunk or high. (I call him Frank...

1 min read
Catch any Fish?
.... his main purpose to to 'make a catch'

2 min read
Stop and Stare
they stand still, listen and give their consent; unaware that it is the ephemeral engagement that is truly the art.

1 min read
My past artistic endeavours
Obsessive Collecting of items may relate back to me losing my possessions.

1 min read
My workspace - Outside
My workspace is currently a transient space, outdoors, my car, my bed on my couch. Being in social isolation, for me, is unbearable; I...

2 min read
Is art a measure of truth or is art truth a measure of art?
.....after its moment of creation has passed, it transforms into historical record of a previous experience.
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